Using pesticides and synthetic chemicals on your lawn poses serious risk for human health and the environment. People who use a treated lawn may be poisoned by absorbing pesticides through the skin, mouth or respiratory passages. The symptoms of poisoning appear anytime from shortly after exposure to many years later.

Pesticide caution sign

Be aware of pesticide explosure

Pesticides used no children and pets

Children are particularly vulnerable since they often play on lawns. Moreover, their immune system is not fully developed and their skin is more permeable. A growing body of evidence in scientific literature shows that pesticide exposure can adversely affect a child's neurological, respiratory, immune, and endocrine system, even at low levels.

Pesticides also have negative impacts on the environment. Often, products that are applied to grass make their way into the water table and waterways. They also can contaminate the air and soil. Finally, using pesticides upsets the natural balance of the environment.

For these reasons in order to obtain healthy grass you must focus on prevention by offering your lawn the best growing conditions possible and giving it proper care. It is always possible to apply an ecological solution to all the problems that may occur.

Please read "Clean Home and Green Garden", a guide to healthy home maintenance and ecological gardening issued by Montreal.

Plaisir Vert Inc. strives to be at the forefront of healthy lawn, garden and tree care methods and technologies. We believe in education, for ourselves, our customers and the general public. We collected lots of information that we have read and encourage you to take time to read.
Please visit the following sites for more information:

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Vatal Lawn
  • 4 Organic Fertilizations
  • Aeration and Seeding - spring
  • Aeration and Seeding - fall
Only 440$*
*Taxes not included. Yard up to 3000 pi2.

Bare Feet on Grass

Children, People, Pets And Lawn Chemicals Don't Mix!
  • Eco-friendly lawn care
    for your well being!

  • Protection of your
    health and the

  • Your grass purifies
    the water and the air,
    produces oxygen
    and cools the air.
    Take care of it!